Welcome to Hope Springs
where thinking and making matter

What we are
Hope Springs is a creative haven – a meeting place for the imagination.
A place to curate arts-based, imaginative, participatory, thinking, learning experiences.
A boutique space for creative leisure to share talents, passions, knowledge and skills.
A Re-creation Centre
An Espace d’Expression
Values and Principles

Everything belongs to God – land, natural creation, ourselves, money and possessions – we are stewards of all of these.
We have made a deliberate lifestyle choice, to be pro-active in the stewardship of our resources.
Hope Springs offers a social third space to strengthen connections and weave partnerships between individuals and communities.
To create is a human right, co-operating for purposes whose processes, products and outcomes may not be known in advance.
We offer our resources to give people the space to play, experiment, fail and build on creative ideas..
It is a priority – planned, proportionate to our income, sacrificial and characterised by joy.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
W B Yeats